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Posts related to ‘Scene for 2016’

November 29, 2016
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
The advocacy approach - improving consumer experience

Nearly all businesses have interest in consumer experience. Whether you fly an airline, shop at a retailer, visit a website, or frequent an eatery, businesses care about your perception of their services and the products you consume. Negative experie…

November 29, 2016 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
October 03, 2016
Jon Wroten, SVP Regulatory Compliance & Quality
The flip side of regulations

What does the Joni Mitchell song ‘Both Sides Now’ have to do with workers’ compensation regulations? I’ve looked at life from both sides nowFrom up and down and still somehowIt’s life’s illusions I recallI really don’t know life at all– Joni Mitchel…

October 03, 2016 by Jon Wroten, SVP Regulatory Compliance & Quality
September 27, 2016
April Clemens, Business Relationship Manager, Specialty Operations and Diana Shick, Consultant Team Lead, Liability Nurse Program
When medical evidence does not add up in a liability claim

A Sedgwick liability nurse was asked to analyze the records of a claim involving a 52-year-old man whose car was struck when our client’s truck driver fell asleep at the wheel, overturning his rig and causing damage to several cars.  Liability…

September 27, 2016 by April Clemens, Business Relationship Manager, Specialty Operations and Diana Shick, Consultant Team Lead, Liability Nurse Program
September 16, 2016
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Connecting healthcare quality with telemedicine

Telemedicine customized for occupational injuries will provide the greatest advantage “You have to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology.”  - Steve Jobs Telemedicine, primarily audio technology, has been a…

September 16, 2016 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
September 07, 2016
Opioids: A stumbling block to good claim outcomes

On a weekly if not daily basis, there are media reports about the growing impacts of addiction to opioids. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 78 people a day are dying from the effects of opioid overdose.1 Families ar…

September 07, 2016
September 01, 2016
Dr. Linda Manna, Clinical Pharmacist
Gabapentin: The new high

Gabapentin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the management of post-herpetic neuralgia, pain associated with shingles, in adults and is used adjunctively in the treatment of partial onset seizures in adults and children. The …

September 01, 2016 by Dr. Linda Manna, Clinical Pharmacist
August 17, 2016
Scott Rogers
Chief client officer
Using data to drive operational solutions

We are just a few days away from the 2016 Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference which will be held on August 21 – 24 in Orlando. Once again, I am looking forward to the opportunity to host a panel that is exploring a very important industry to…

August 17, 2016 by Scott Rogers, Chief client officer
August 15, 2016
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
New updates on Zika

In a previous blog post, I covered how a person can become infected with the Zika virus.  The pathways for infection include: Bite from an infected mosquito. Sexual intercourse with a person infected with the virus. Prevention is critica…

August 15, 2016 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
August 15, 2016
Dave North
executive chairman
Talent attraction, training and retention

Next week we will gather at what is now one of the largest events in the industry – the 2016 Workers’ Compensation Conference August 21 – 24 in Orlando. I want to add that, before the conference begins, a great group of Sedgwick colleagues will be …

August 15, 2016 by Dave North, executive chairman
August 02, 2016
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Ice Bucket Challenge

Do you remember two summers ago when we all were participating in an ice bucket challenge? You were nominated, usually on Facebook to dump a bucket of ice water over your head while nominating others to do the same. If you completed the challenge y…

August 02, 2016 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
July 15, 2016
Michael Anderson, Director of Claims, SIU Operations
Geo-fencing and recognition technology in the investigation toolbox

“It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information.” - Oscar Wilde The world is a growing resource. No disrespect to Oscar Wilde, but yesterday’s useless information is essential data today, and that is by no means a s…

July 15, 2016 by Michael Anderson, Director of Claims, SIU Operations
July 07, 2016
Jamie Waits, Complex Pharmacy Nurse
Dispense as written

I am a complex pharmacy nurse for Sedgwick which means my mission in life is to restore injured workers’ lives. I work collaboratively with doctors to change prescribing practices and follow best practices based on national guidelines and the indiv…

July 07, 2016 by Jamie Waits, Complex Pharmacy Nurse
June 20, 2016
John Hinz, VP Vericlaim
Active hurricane season predicted: Don't fail to prepare

$1.9 billon. That is the estimated dollar amount the recent historic floods in Houston Texas will cost to return life and business back to normal according to the Houston Business Journal. Now almost every major weather service is reporting that, d…

June 20, 2016 by John Hinz, VP Vericlaim
May 27, 2016
How could current and future technology shape workers’ compensation?

New technology is reshaping the world in which we live. It takes the form of self-driving cars, virtual reality and 3-dimensional (3D) printers. Once thought to be cold and impersonal, technology is redefining our expectations and how we view a qua…

May 27, 2016
May 12, 2016
Dr. Paul Peak
vice president, clinical pharmacy
Over-the-counter problem no longer under the radar

Three weeks ago, I was wrapping up a discussion with a client and fellow Sedgwick colleagues on the opioid epidemic. Someone in the room received the unexpected text that Prince had died. In the next few moments, without any other information, my fel…

May 12, 2016 by Dr. Paul Peak, vice president, clinical pharmacy
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